Allegiances In RockPaw's Old Clan

Fire Clan

Leader: DarkStreak, dark gray and white male.

Deputy: SteelFace, pure gray male.


WindEar: White and gray female, recently came out of being in the mother's den.

SootClaw: Pure white male.
Apprentice: GrassyPaw 

LavaStorm: Red and orange male.
Apprentice: TigerPaw

StarFur: Yellow and white female.
Apprenitce: WaterPaw

WhiteHeart: Black wolf, once an out-clanner, not trusted well. Has a bit of darkness in his heart.
Apprentice: SmallPaw

BoulderPelt: Gray with black spots, WhiteHeart's brother. Scared of his sibling.

MoonBreeze: Gentle green female wolf.
Apprentice: LizardPaw

BrownEye: Black wolf, abandoned when little but came back. Has brown eyes, and is very nice and trusted very well.
Apprentice: PlantPaw

WebWing: Gray and white female.
Apprentice: QuietPaw


GrassyPaw: Green female wolf, quickest wolf in the clan.

TigerPaw: Very serious orange male wolf.

WaterPaw: Blue male wolf, loves to swim.

SmallPaw: Smallest apprentice, male. Brown with black flecks.

LizardPaw: Sneaky female wolf, green and loves the summer.

PlantPaw: Curious and eager female wolf, loves to pounce on plants.

QuietPaw: Very shy black wolf pup, only lived as a loner for 1 moon, then returned.


LightningFace: Yellow and black wolf with a lightning-like scar on her eyelid.

RoseBerry: Beautiful purple-red wolf with big eyes, mysteriously has only two pups.

LightFur: White wolf with ice-blue eyes, very shy.

WidowSky: Gray wolf with black dots, attacks like a black widow. Has not had any pups yet, expecting some soon.


FireyPup: Red and black male, mother is LightningFace.

StormPup: Silvery female with a very bushy tail, mother is LightningFace.

TreePup: Brown female with brown eyes, mother is LightningFace.

LeafyPup: Pure green male with intimidating eyes, mother is LightningFace.

FlowerPup: Red female, mother is RoseBerry.

BluePup: Light blue male, mother is RoseBerry.

SunPup: Yellow female pup, always happy, mother is LightFur.

WolfPup: Most daring pup, is very dark gray, almost black, mother is LightFur.

LilyPup: Pink and white female, mother is LightFur.


DottedTail: Very grumpy brown wolf with darker brown dots on her tail.

DaintyStripe: Red, nice wolf who's always sleeping, a male.

TinyFur: Very green she-wolf, pups had just been made into warriors.

ArcticEar: Always-sarcastic male, always bugging apprentices and warriors.

1 comment:

Sirius Alnitak said...

Cool! Maybe you could make alliances for other clans! (Like Vinestar's clan and Darkstorm's clan)